SigmaXL - Powerful Statistical and Graphical Analysis
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SigmaXL was designed from the ground up to be a cost-effective, powerful, but easy to use tool that enables users to measure, analyze, improve and control their service, transactional, and manufacturing processes.
As an add-in to the already familiar Microsoft Excel, SigmaXL is ideal for Lean Six Sigma training or use in a college statistics course.
Version 10 adds new tool selection guides, XYZ Contour/Surface Plots, General Linear Model, new MSA templates, and more! Click here to view the features available in SigmaXL!
New features in SigmaXL Version 10 include:
Graphical Tool Selection Guide
Hypothesis Test Selection Guide
Revised Control Chart Selection Guide
New Data Manipulation Tools
Convert Raw Data to Frequency (Tally)
Convert Frequency to Raw Data
New Graphical Tools
Interval Plots and Multiple X Interval Plots
Empirical/Normal CDF Plots
XYZ Contour/Surface Plot
Automatic Interpolation Method Selection and XY Standardization using Cross-Validation
Inverse Distance, Akima’s Polynomial and Biharmonic Spline Interpolation
New MSA Templates
GLM GageRR (Crossed) Metrics with Interaction
GLM GageRR (Crossed) Metrics without Interaction
GLM GageRR (Nested) Metrics
GLM GageRR (Expanded) Metrics
New Statistical Tools
Nonparametric Friedman and Friedman’s Exact
Nonparametric Two Sample KS Test and KS Exact (option in Mann-Whitney)
General Linear Model. Extends Advanced Multiple Regression to include:
Fixed and Random Factors
Nested Factors
Covariates (can be Nested)
For Random or Mixed Random/Fixed Factors with a balanced design, the ANOVA and Variance Components (VC) report is given based on Expected Mean Squares.
VC confidence intervals using Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) are included.
If the design is unbalanced or model is non-hierarchical, REML is used to compute the VC values and confidence intervals.
Fixed Effects Tests are based on Satterthwaite approximation degrees of freedom.
Main Effects with Confidence Intervals and Interaction Plots of Fitted Means for Non-Nested Fixed Factors
Tukey and Fisher Pairwise Comparison of Means for Non-Nested Fixed Factors
Predicted Response Calculator
Multiple Response Optimization for Nested or Non-Nested Fixed Factors
Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control
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Web Demos
Our CTO and Co-Founder, John Noguera, regularly hosts free Web Demos featuring SigmaXL and DiscoverSim Click here to view some now!