How Do I Create Run Charts in Excel Using SigmaXL?
- Click Sheet 1 Tab of Customer Data.xlsx. Click SigmaXL > Graphical Tools > Run Chart. Ensure that entire data table is selected. If not, check Use Entire Data Table. Click Next.
- Select Overall Satisfaction, click Numeric Data Variable (Y) >>. Select Show Mean. Uncheck Nonparametric Runs Test (to be discussed later in Part N of Analyze Phase).
- Click OK. A Run Chart of Overall Satisfaction with Mean center line is produced.
- Select the Y axis, Right Click, Format Axis, to activate the Format Axis dialog. Change Minimum to 1, Maximum to 5, Horizontal axis crosses > Axis value to 1:
- Click OK.
- Are there any obvious trends? Some possible cycling, but nothing clearly stands out. It may be interesting to look more closely at a specific data point. Any data point value can be identified by simply moving the cursor over it:
- A label can be added to a data point by
one single-click on the data point, followed by a Right mouse
click, and select Add Data Label. See also
SigmaXL Chart Tools > Add Data Label in Control
Phase Tools, Part B - X-Bar & Range Charts.
- Click OK. Resulting Run Chart with label attached to data point:
- This label can be changed to a text comment. Single-click three times on the label and type in a comment as shown:
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