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How Do I Perform a Johnson Transformation in Excel Using SigmaXL?

This is a standalone tool that allows you to visually see how the Johnson transformation selects a rounded or optimal lambda value.

  1. Open the file Nonnormal Cycle Time2.xlsx. Select Sheet 1 Tab.

  2. Click SigmaXL > Process Capability > Nonnormal > Capability Combination Report (Individuals Nonnormal). Ensure that the entire data table is selected. If not, check Use Entire Data Table. Click Next.

  3. Select Cycle Time (Minutes), click Numeric Data Variable (Y) >>.  Under Transformation/Distribution Options, select Johnson Transformation. You must select an Upper Spec Limit.  In this example, we have entered a USL of 500.

    Capability Combination Report

  1. Click OK. The resulting report is shown:

  2. Process Capability Report Johnson Transformation Control Charts

  3. The AD Normality P-Value Transformed Data value of 0.5990 tells us the Johnson transformation to normality was successful.

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