Basic Statistical Templates – 1 Sample Equivalence Test for Mean Click SigmaXL > Templates & Calculators > Basic Statistical Templates > 1 Sample Equivalence Test for Mean to access the 1 Sample Equivalence Test (Two One-Sided t-Tests TOST) calculator. The
template gives the following default example.
Enter summarized Sample Data, Target, Upper & Lower Equivalence Limits and Confidence Level in cells with yellow highlight. Do not modify any other part of this worksheet.
Null hypothesis for P1: Difference >= UEL; Null hypothesis for P2: Difference <= LEL. Both null hypotheses must be rejected to conclude that equivalence is true.
LEL and UEL establish the zone or region of equivalence and are determined by what size difference is considered practically significant.
This calculator will automatically detect the version of Excel and use the appropriate statistical
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